The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 45), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published

The first-page article is about the new report devoted to underground natural gas storage (UGS) facilities in Ukraine.  This report, prepared by Yuliia Demchuk, was initiated and supported by the ENeRG network.

On the second page, one can read the article prepared by the coordinator of the EU COST Action CA18219 Geothermal. It is about 100 good reasons for using geothermal energy in heating and cooling networks” a new initiative to make geothermal energy more visible in Europe. A number of ENeRG members take part in the action.

The article about the CO2GEONET OPEN FORUM planned for September 2022, on the second page, was prepared by CO2Geonet secretary Barbara Merson.

The third page is about the REX-CO2 project, funded under the 2nd call of the ACT and coordinated by TNO (The Netherland).

The last page includes an article about the participation of the ENERG members and ENeRG President at the 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition in Madrid.

For more information please read the attached newsletter.

Switzerland will help Ukraine in green recovery: the first step has been taken

Switzerland will receive from Ukraine verified results of reducing carbon emissions.

The governments of Ukraine and Switzerland have taken the first step in implementing market mechanisms of the climate agreement, namely signing an agreement on joint climate projects for the green recovery of Ukraine.

It was signed by the head of the Ministry of Environment, Ruslan Strilets, and the Minister of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications of Switzerland, Simonetta Sommaruga, during the International Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in Lugano.

Switzerland will invest in public and private projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in various spheres of Ukraine’s activity – infrastructure, construction, transport, and energy. Switzerland will receive from Ukraine verified results of reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Thus, the successful implementation of Article 6 will create new channels of climate finance in Ukraine and incentives for “green” development for Ukrainian businesses.

The implementation agreement of the Paris Agreement between the governments of Ukraine and Switzerland is a good start for the green post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and the achievement of climate goals within the framework of the Paris Agreement.


The share of clean energy in Ukraine has grown and is on par with the EU

Carbon-free generation in Ukraine sometimes even exceeds the corresponding indicators of the EU countries.

As of June 8, the share of clean energy (nuclear, hydro, wind, solar, bio-generation) in Ukraine’s energy balance reached 87.4%. This number was announced press office Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Energy, this indicator means that almost 9 out of 10 kilowatt-hours consumed in Ukraine were produced without CO2 emissions.

“In terms of the level of development of carbon-free generation, Ukraine is at the same level and sometimes even exceeds the corresponding indicators of the EU countries,” the report says. The ministry noted that in 2021 the weighted average share of the carbon-free energy mix of the EU countries was 63%, and in Ukraine, it reached 70%. In Germany, as of June 8, the share of net electricity was 44%, and the rest was covered by the use of natural gas and coal.


Geothermal and hydrothermal energy in Ukraine

According to the State Committee for Energy Efficiency, Ukraine has some potential for geothermal energy development. According to various estimates, the economically feasible energy resource of thermal waters of Ukraine is up to 8.4 million tons per year.

Ukraine has great geological potential for the development of geothermal energy. The most favourable geothermal conditions for the development of hydrothermal resources are characterized by Precarpathian (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, partly Chernivtsi region) and Zakarpattia (Zakarpattia region) depressions, Dnieper-Donetsk basin (Chernihiv, Poltava, Sumy,  Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk regions), Crimea and Black Sea (Kherson and Odesa regions).

The most promising use of geothermal resources is in the Precarpathian region. The use of geothermal waters is less promising in the Dnieper-Donetsk basin.

In Ukraine, geothermal electricity can be developed in the following areas:

  • Medium geothermal power plants (GeoTPPs) with a unit capacity of 10-20 MW based on deposits at temperatures above 120°C
  • Small GeoTPPs with a single capacity of 0.05-5 MW with a temperature of 90-12°C
  • Combined cycle power plants use geothermal energy and fossil fuels (coal, gas, biomass, peat).

Without state funding in Ukraine, it will be difficult to implement projects for the development of geothermal energy. In this case, “green” bonds are useful.

There are currently no existing GeoTPPs in Ukraine. Currently, only a memorandum has been signed with foreign countries on cooperation in the field of geothermal energy and research into the geothermal potential of Ukraine. The fact that there are no GeoTPPs in Ukraine can be explained, in particular, by the lack of proper regulation of activities in the field of geothermal energy. Due to the impact on the environment, this type of renewable energy is promising if geothermal water is properly disposed of. Ukraine has the tools to pre-assess the consequences of such activities and take appropriate protection measures. For example, there is the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”.


Ukraine CCS: Ukrainian perspectives on industry and energy security

Ukraine is a country in the middle of a turbulent transition toward developing energy sources free from Russian influence. For a successful transition, CCS must play a critical role in the country’s energy sector, which will continue to be highly dependent on fossil fuels. 

Ukraine is one of the most energy-intensive countries in the world in terms of carbon-producing energy sources, mainly due to a large share of heavy industry, an antiquated power generation system and low energy efficiency. In terms of energy consumption per unit output, Ukraine has one of the highest levels in the world at 2,369 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per million dollars of GDP, more than five times the EU average. As global climate rules become increasingly stringent, Ukraine will need CCS technologies to be applied for emissions from fossil fuel power plants and energy-intensive industries such as iron and steel production. 

As Ukraine redevelops its energy structure and supply chain, CO2 emissions must be considered. A number of technologies for CO2 capture from energy sources that would be suitable for Ukrainian industrial processes are available and under development.

For more information about Ukraine CCS, you can read the full report

Several ENeRG members, including ENeRG President Alla Shogenova, took an active part in the the83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition in Madrid on 6-9 June 2022, where about 4500 people were registered onsite and 800 presentations were made. PGI-NRI, Heriot-Watt University (HWU), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), SHOGenergy and OGS were among the active participants of the conference. One of the most popular themes of the conference was CO2 and H2 Storage.

At the PGI-NRI booth in the Exhibition area (with about 170 booths) Polish Oil and Gas industry was presented and recent ENeRG newsletters were hosted (Fig.1a). A number of institutions were invited to join the ENeRG network, some of which, very active at the Conference, promised to join the ENeRG very soon.

For more details, you can read the attached article.

Report «Underground Gas Storage Facilities in Ukraine: “Gas Shield” for Europe», initiated and supported by ENeRG, was prepared in April 2022 by Yuliia Demchuk, representative of Ukraine in the ENeRG network.

The report describes existing underground gas storage (UGS) facilities and pipeline transport system in Ukraine.  It includes comprehensive information about the reserve of active UGS capacity for European partners and prospects of using the UGS and gas transmission system of Ukraine for hydrogen storage and transportation.

For more information, you can read the full report.

The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 44), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published

The first-page article is about the involvement of the ENeRG members in the ACT program. At least five ENeRG members take part in a number of projects funded by ACT during three calls.

On the second page, one can read the articles representing new ENeRG members – SHOGenergy from Estonia and UAG from Ukraine.

The third page is about the new Horizon 2020 project CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories (PilotSTRATEGY) coordinated by the ENeRG member BRGM.

The last page includes an article about the Czech-Norwegian research project CO2-SPICER – preparation of a CO2 storage pilot in Czechia.

For more information please read the attached newsletter.

New ENeRG president 2022

At the online Steering Committee meeting on 14th December 2021 representatives of the ENeRG members elected Dr Alla Shogenova as a new ENeRG President for 2022-2023.

Dr. Alla Shogenova has been the ENeRG President in 2007, ENeRG newsletter editor in 2012-2017 and the ENeRG website editor for some years.

Dr Alla Shogenova is a senior researcher in Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology and co-founder and Director for Research of SHOGenergy consulting. Alla is a Board member of the BASRECCS network, a member of CO2GeoNet and a Managing Committee member of EU COST action Geothermal-DHC.

She succeeded Mr Sergio Persoglia from OGS, Italy who has been the ENeRG President in 2020-2021.