Several ENeRG members, including ENeRG President Alla Shogenova, took an active part in the the83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition in Madrid on 6-9 June 2022, where about 4500 people were registered onsite and 800 presentations were made. PGI-NRI, Heriot-Watt University (HWU), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), SHOGenergy and OGS were among the active participants of the conference. One of the most popular themes of the conference was CO2 and H2 Storage.
At the PGI-NRI booth in the Exhibition area (with about 170 booths) Polish Oil and Gas industry was presented and recent ENeRG newsletters were hosted (Fig.1a). A number of institutions were invited to join the ENeRG network, some of which, very active at the Conference, promised to join the ENeRG very soon.
For more details, you can read the attached article.