Almost 30 years of experience
20 Countries working together
27 Members
➥ Presentations from the 2nd European Underground Energy Storage Workshop
23-24.05.23, Paris
ENeRG, the European Network for Research in Geo-Energy
The mission of the European Network for Research in Geo-Energy (ENeRG) is to promote cooperation between European R&D organisations whose main interest is to conduct basic or applied research or technological development in the field of sustainable use of the underground for the energy transition.

30 Years
of Experience
The main objectives of ENeRG
To promote
To identify and match
To explore and promote
To inform/advise
To foster interaction and exchange
To disseminate
Let's change the world together. Apply to get the latest information about the progress
It is the aim of ENeRG to have as many European countries as possible represented in ENeRG, and to encourage public-private and worldwide co-operation
ENeRG presence on the map
ENeRG Network is growing
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ENeRG Team
Our Main References
Alexandra Dudu is an ENeRG President for the biennium 2023-2024, succeeding Dr. Alla Shogenova from TalTech, Estonia.
Alexandra Dudu currently leads the CO2 Geological Storage Department at GeoEcoMar, Romania.
300 +
Successful Projects
27 +

Secretariat, Eleonora Manoukian
Eleonora Manoukian is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) of the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CPERI) in Athens, Greece.
She has been appointed ENeRG Secretary in 2019.

Newsletter, Yuliia Demchuk
Yuliia Demchuk is a Board member of the NGO “Geothermal Ukraine”
She is the Editor of the GEO ENeRGY Newsletter