Ukraine and three other countries want to create a “hydrogen corridor” to the EU based on the GTS

Four leading Central European gas infrastructure companies have joined forces to develop a hydrogen highway through Central Europe.

The focus of the joint initiative called the Central European Hydrogen Corridor is on developing a hydrogen “highway” in Central Europe for the transport of hydrogen from promising future major hydrogen supply areas in Ukraine that offers excellent conditions for large-scale, green hydrogen production via Slovakia and the Czech Republic to large hydrogen demand areas in Germany and the EU. The hydrogen corridor will also enable transporting hydrogen between hydrogen production facilities and hydrogen consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Participating companies include EUSTREAM (the Slovak gas TSO), Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU), NET4GAS (the Czech gas TSO) and OGE (a leading German gas TSO).

At the same time, the hydrogen corridor will make it possible to transport hydrogen from production enterprises to hydrogen consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Germany is expected to be a key hydrogen demand region in Europe, importing significant volumes to meet demand.


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