Four EneRG members (BRGM, UNIZG-RGNF, GeoEcoMar, and CERTH) took part in the H2020 STRATEGY CCUS project About the project | Strategy CCUS.

The presentations, posters and a Q&A synthesis presented by STRATEGY CCUS final event (June 14 and 15, 2022) in Brussels and online are now available on the website.

The Presentation and Q&A synthesis have now been uploaded to the Stakeholder engagement outputs page. The Final Event Region Posters have been uploaded to the Toolbox page

It is also possible to access these elements from the Event Page (please click on “read more”).

Please note all STRATEGY CCUS public deliverables are now also available on the website in the project outputs section.

A final summary of the project is also available here.

You can also continue to follow us on STRATEGY CCUS sister project PilotSTRATEGY > for further information on CCUS.

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibu lum at eros. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

New ENeRG members

Three new members have been unanimously welcomed in the second semester of 2020.

Institute of Geological Sciences, Armenian National Academy of Sciences (IGS, Armenia) has applied to represent Armenia in the ENeRG and signed the Letter of Accession. Their application was approved by the ENeRG Steering Committee online meeting on 25 June. A presentation about IGCAS was made at the ENeRG Steering Committee online meeting on 5th October by Dr Sci. Khachatur Meliksetian, the director of IGS (CV).

CeRi Research Centre from Sapienza University of Rome, represented by Prof. Sabina Bigi (CV) has applied for membership in the ENeRG and signed the Letter of Accession. Their application was approved by the ENeRG Steering Committee online meeting on 25 June. This institution was represented at the ENeRG Steering Committee online meeting on 5th October by the ENeRG president Sergio Persoglia.

The Expert Council of the Ukrainian Association of Geologists applied for the ENeRG membership and their application was approved by the ENeRG Steering Committee during the online meeting on 24 November.

The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 41), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published

1) The first-page article is devoted to the COST Action 18219 Geothermal-DHC.
2) The second page has two articles. One about the coordination of the European Federation of Geologists Panel of Experts on CCS and the second is about Horizon 2020 project LEILAC2: Capturing Cement’s CO2.
3) The third page is about Horizon 2020 project THE ECCSELERATE.
4) The last page includes an article about ACT project REX-CO2 – Re-Using Existing Wells for CO2 Storage Operations.

New representative of the Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management SA -HHRM (Greece)

Dr. Aris Stefatos is a new representative of the Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management SA -HHRM (Greece) in the ENeRG. He will replace Dr. Yannis Bassias, who represented HHRM until now.

You can find Dr. Aris Stefatos CV here:

CO2StoP database is now available on the website of the EC JRC

The CO2StoP database is now available on the website of the Joint Research Centre – European Commission, Petten, the Netherlands ( and will be available as an interactive web-based CO2 Storage Atlas for Europe at the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) (
The CO2StoP database will be the first step towards a European Storage Atlas. Other databases are available for UK, the CO2 Stored database (published 12 May 2016) ( and the Nordic CO2 storage atlas is produced by NORDICCS – the Nordic CCS Competence Centre (published November 2015 ( ).
For additional information please read the attached paper prepared by GEUS (Denmark), BGS (UK) and TNO (The Netherlands).

New representative of OGS (Italy) in the ENeRG

Barbara Merson is a new representative of the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS (Italy) in the ENeRG. She will replace Mounir Ghribi, who represented OGS until now.

You can find Barbara Merson CV here:

CO2DataShare digital portal is now open for public access

The consortium-driven project “CO2 Data Share” has built a web-based digital platform for CO2 storage data exchange. It’s designed to make it easy to find, access and use well-documented CO2 storage datasets relevant for addressing technology gaps and reducing uncertainty. Two datasets from the Sleipner project are already available.
More information can be found at…

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Global CCS Institute paper “The European Green Deal: New opportunities to scale up carbon capture and storage” gives perspective for CCS

This overview takes a closer look at the European Green Deal with its extensive list of initiatives and highlights what to watch out for in the coming days, months and years regarding low carbon technologies like carbon capture and storage (CCS).
The paper could be downloaded at:…

European Commission Innovation Fund Workshop took place on 5 February 2020

On 5 February 2020, over 90 participants attended, in person or via webinar, the EASE – European
Commission Innovation Fund Workshop to discuss one of Europe’s most ambitious funding programmes
for demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies with high-level European Commission officers.
The Innovation Fund is a key funding instrument for delivering the EU’s economy-wide commitments under the Paris Agreement and supporting the European Commission’s strategic vision of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
The Innovation Fund focuses on:
• Innovative low-carbon technologies and processes in energy-intensive industries, including products
• substituting carbon-intensive ones
• Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU)
• Construction and operation of carbon capture and storage (CCS)
• Innovative renewable energy generation
• Energy storage
For more information read the attached document