Master course on CO2 geological storage
The first cohort of four students on the CO2 Geological Storage masters course have completed their studies, with the final defence of their masters theses.
This event took place during the hybrid meeting (onsite and online) at Sapienza University of Rome. A number of professors, tutors and lecturers from five ENeRG members together with colleagues from the ENOS H-2020 project took part in the organizing, teaching and supervision of students. Altogether more than 30 geoscience and engineering professionals participated in the “International Master Course on CO2 Geological Storage” jointly organised by Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Zagreb.
All students have successfully defended their theses and got the Final Diploma Awards of Professional Master in CO2 Geological Storage. The Programme of the Final defence with names of students and tutors is attached.
The next run of the Master Course is planned to start in January 2022 and will be announced in August 2021.

Start date and end date
I ask if there is scholarships