Gas injection to Ukrainian UGSs reached a record this year – almost 40 mcm

On July 26, the injection of natural gas into Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities reached the highest level since the beginning of the year – 39.6 mcm per day. 

Compared to the previous day, the volume of injection increased by 6% (2 mcm). At the same time, natural gas withdrawal is practically absent.

Since the beginning of the current injection season, about 3 bcm of natural gas has been injected into storage facilities.

As of August 8, 12.2 bcm of natural gas are stored in underground gas storage facilities not including the Vergunske UGS).

By the beginning of the next heating season (October, 15), the storage capacity must be ensured by at least 19 bcm.


Ukraine and three other countries want to create a “hydrogen corridor” to the EU based on the GTS

Four leading Central European gas infrastructure companies have joined forces to develop a hydrogen highway through Central Europe.

The focus of the joint initiative called the Central European Hydrogen Corridor is on developing a hydrogen “highway” in Central Europe for the transport of hydrogen from promising future major hydrogen supply areas in Ukraine that offers excellent conditions for large-scale, green hydrogen production via Slovakia and the Czech Republic to large hydrogen demand areas in Germany and the EU. The hydrogen corridor will also enable transporting hydrogen between hydrogen production facilities and hydrogen consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Participating companies include EUSTREAM (the Slovak gas TSO), Gas TSO of Ukraine (GTSOU), NET4GAS (the Czech gas TSO) and OGE (a leading German gas TSO).

At the same time, the hydrogen corridor will make it possible to transport hydrogen from production enterprises to hydrogen consumers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Germany is expected to be a key hydrogen demand region in Europe, importing significant volumes to meet demand.


You are invited to submit your article to a new Special Issue, “Geological Insights for a Carbon-Free, Sustainable Environment”, for the journal Sustainability.

In this Special Issue, original research articles and reviews are welcome. Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • CCUS (CO2 Capture, Transport, Use and Storage);
  • Hydrogen as a new century source of energy—full chain from production to geological storage and use;
  • Geothermal energy recovery (including CO2–CPG);
  • New unconventional renewable energy recovery;
  • Synergy of unconventional renewable methods and technologies.


– Deadline for manuscript submissions: 17 January 2024 (BUT BE FIRST TO GET A FREE TICKET!!!)



– Manuscript Submission Information:

Ukrainian company ‘Regional Gas Company’  joined Ready4H2, a hydrogen project of European gas distribution system operators (DSOs)

RGC became the first Ukrainian company among 67 members of the Ready4H2 consortium. Ready4H2 consortium brings together major European DSOs who work on getting the gas distribution networks ready to use hydrogen as a part of an overarching objective of achieving their climate neutrality.

The main task of the Ready4H2 consortium is to present the draft hydrogen strategy for Europe’s gas distribution industry. The document will take into account the proposals based on technical expertise, research and experience of handling the hydrogen by DSOs that joined the Ready4H2.

RGC hydrogen project stages:

– Field tests with static tests on test sites

– Dynamic experiments to study the effect of gas-hydrogen mixtures on gas equipment

– data analysis in the laboratories of scientific partners of the RGC hydrogen project

The project has been under implementation since 2020 when five special RGC test sites were established to carry out hydrogen tests of the gas networks and equipment (Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk and Kharkiv regions). The research partners of the RGC hydrogen project include eight research institutions, including the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, organized into a consortium and take part in research and tests within the frameworks of the RGC hydrogen project according to their specialization.

Aside from RGC, Ready4H2 involves DSOs from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain and Sweden.


ENeRG members at the BCF2022 in Kaunas

On 13-14 October number of the ENeRG members took part on-site and online in the Baltic Carbon Forum 2022 (BCF2022), a hybrid event organized by BASRECCS in Kaunas.

BCF2022 was supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers through its institution Nordic Energy Research and was organized by the chairman of the BASRECCS Prof. Mayur Pal and his colleagues from Kaunas Technical University. Representatives from energy producers, industry, oil companies, academia, energy agencies and geological surveys from the Baltic Sea Region and around it took part in the Forum to exchange their knowledge and recent state of the art in the field of CO2 capture, use, transport, and geological storage.

Among active participants of the BCF2022 were ENeRG President and BASRECCS Board member Dr. Alla Shogenova (TalTech), BASRECCS Board member Dr. Monika Konieczyńska and Dr. Adam Wójcicki (PGI-NRI), Prof. Stanislaw Nagy (AGH University). Kazbulat Shogenov (SHOGenergy) and Saulius Sliaupa (NRC, Lithuania) took part in the BCF2022 online.

On 13 October Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov (SHOGenergy) and Dr. Alla Shogenova made presentations about Baltic CCUS offshore and onshore scenarios, and Prof. Stanislaw Nagy and Dr. Adam Wójcicki made presentations about CCS developments in Poland. On the morning of 14 October, Alla Shogenova read a course “Aspects of CCUS in the BSR” lecture about “the role of CCUS clusters and hubs in reaching carbon neutrality”.

All presentations of the BCF2022 will be soon available online.

Radioactive waste disposal in geological formations in Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are 4 (Zaporizka, Rivnenska, Pivdennoukrainska, Khmelnytska) nuclear power plants (NPP) with 15 power units. The Chornobyl NPP ceased operation on December 15, 2000. As a result of the activity of NPPs, which are the largest producers of waste (95% of their current generation), three main types of radioactive waste (RAW) are generated: gaseous, liquid and solid.

On average, NPPs generate up to 27 m3 of solid radioactive waste and 35 m3 of liquid radioactive waste per 1 billion kWh of electricity generated, depending on the type of reactor.

In general, there is a high degree of filling of storage facilities with solid (from 30 to 70%) and liquid (from 21 to 76%) radioactive waste.

Radioactive waste is divided into classes in order to ensure compliance with waste disposal requirements in four different types of storage:

  • surface storage facilities (objects, which by their type correspond to landfills with limited regulatory control),
  • near-surface storage facilities with a system of engineering barriers,
  • underground storage facilities located at medium depth,
  • storage facilities in deep geological formations

Solid and liquid radioactive wastes are located at: NPP, “Shelter” Facility, Exclusion Zone, Decontamination Waste Disposal Sites, Chornobyl NPP, Repositories of separate divisions of the old specialized enterprise “Radon Association”, Research nuclear reactors.

The existence of the Chornobyl exclusion zone determines Ukraine’s strategy in the field of radioactive waste management. Since the exclusion zone has no local population and contains most of the country’s nuclear waste, it appears to be the most suitable location for a repository for the final disposal of the waste in the soil, followed by burial in deep geological formations.

In Ukraine, the process of finding a place for the disposal of radioactive waste in deep geological formations began in 1993. From 1996 to 2003, the territory of Ukraine was investigated in order to evaluate potentially acceptable places. During the years 2000–2006, work was carried out on the comprehensive study of two promising areas for potential radioactive waste storage in geological formations, as well as radioactive waste isolation technologies. Researchers assume that it will be used to store spent nuclear fuel as well as classified radioactive waste. It is also assumed that Ukraine will build new nuclear power plants in accordance with the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035.

Based on the results of preliminary studies, several sites were selected for burial in deep geological formations of high- and medium-level radioactive waste, including waste generated as a result of the decommissioning of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and the decontamination of the station’s territory. It is assumed that about 59 000 m3 of long-lasting waste will be buried on the territory of the geological repository. Taking into account the fact that 95% of all long-lived waste with long decay periods is stored in the Chornobyl exclusion zone, a special study on the use of this area for the purpose of final disposal was initiated. Most of the research on this issue is carried out in Ukraine within the framework of international technical assistance projects, which are implemented with the aim of obtaining a scientific justification for future decisions. According to the results of geological and geophysical studies, two sites located within the Ukrainian shield were selected for drilling: Veresnianska and Tovstolisova.

Research in the framework of the creation of a storage area for the disposal of nuclear waste in deep geological formations is ongoing.

The most comprehensive overview of nuclear waste stored and handled in Ukraine can be found in the National Report On Compliance with Obligations under the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management  


On the 7th of October 2022, members of ENEGRNET Dr. Kazbulat Shogenov (representing SHOGenergy consulting company – and Dr. Alla Shogenova (representing TalTech University) participated in the first working meeting (in Brussels) of the new research network Transmit (Techno-Economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies) in the frames of European initiative COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology.

All details could be found here:

Horizon Europe project CCUS ZEN

The Kick-off meeting of the new Horizon Europe project CCUS ZEN (Zero Emission Network to facilitate CCUS uptake in the industry) coordinated by SINTEF (Norway) took place on 28-29 September in Paris. The project started in September, with all 14 partners and 60 network members gathering for a kick-off meeting in Paris. ENeRG members from three countries are among the CCUS ZEN partners (TalTech, PGI-NRI, METU), while  ENeRG is one of the network members.

The event was hosted by one of the partners, Technip Energies. The two-day event gave the opportunity to participants to connect and align on project milestones and main objectives. Workshops were held to share technical, regulatory, development planning, and commercial insights.

TalTech is coordinating the WP3 in the project. Dr. Alla Shogenova, a senior researcher from the TalTech Department of Geology and ENeRG president, made a presentation on WP3 (Value Chain Scenarios).

The meeting group photo includes project partners from 10 countries and network members from all the Europe and worldwide.  For more information, you can read the press release.

GEOTHERMAL PROSPECTS: in Ukraine, geothermal energy can replace 10 billion cubic meters of gas

In Ukraine, it is possible to extract about 90 billion kWh of geothermal energy annually and replace 10 billion cubic meters of gas.

According to the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 7 central and western regions of the country have a geothermal energy potential of 6-7 billion kWh per year each.

Hot underground water can be used for heating and electricity production, depending on the temperature regime of underground sources.

At a temperature of 50°C, limited areas can be heated; for large-scale heating, it is necessary to reach the water with a temperature of more than 70°C. Electricity can be produced at a water temperature of at least 120-170°C using an intermediate substance that is heated; with water at 170-220 °C, the steam-water mixture can be heated directly, and above 220 °C, electricity generation using dry steam is possible.

There are not many hot springs in Ukraine: some are located in Crimea and Donbas, and the most accessible ones are in Zakarpattia. High mineralization of the coolant requires the use of special anti-corrosion materials and equipment for the removal and disposal of gases. As a result, about half of the plant’s total capacity goes to process maintenance, and the high cost of drilling and arranging wells makes these projects quite expensive at the start.

Today, near Uzhgorod, an underground circulation system is operating in a well 2.3 km deep with a temperature of 124°C, heating greenhouses and a livestock complex.  In Ukraine, there are still no geothermal stations that work according to the principle of a closed loop.

Because of the available underground water reserves in some regions in Ukraine, it is possible to produce energy by geothermal means. This is also facilitated by the legislation of Ukraine in the field of alternative energy (in particular, in the part of the “green” tariff for this little-used source of renewable energy).

The main problem is to regulate the use of the resource itself even before the start of electricity production. Paying two types of rent, obtaining different names, but similar in essence, permits the use of resources in two different departments creating bureaucratic barriers for potential producers of geothermal electricity and adversely affecting the financial model and credit attractiveness of such projects. Link:

Ukraine is among the countries with medium-level geothermal gradients. On the territory of the existing areas with anomalously high heat flow values (Carpathian region and the Black Sea basin) and insulating layers that contribute to the conservation of heat deep within the Earth’s interior.

In Ukraine, there are two types of geothermal deposits, deposit formation types, artesian basins intermountain and foothill basins (Carpathian region and Crimea) and deposit formation types in the Great Artesian Basin platform type (the Black Sea and Dnieper-Donetsk artesian basin).

Thermal water horizons first type deposits occur at depths of 900-1500 m or more, for the second – 2000- 2500 m and more. Analysis of evidence indicates that the most favourable conditions for the formation of geothermal resources are characterized by gas, gas condensate and some oil fields. This applies particularly to depleted gas fields that are filled up with water during operation.

For more information, you can read the full Article about geothermal Energy Use in Ukraine

Authors: Anastasia Barylo, Yulia Demchuk