The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 44), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published
The first-page article is about the involvement of the ENeRG members in the ACT program. At least five ENeRG members take part in a number of projects funded by ACT during three calls.
On the second page, one can read the articles representing new ENeRG members – SHOGenergy from Estonia and UAG from Ukraine.
The third page is about the new Horizon 2020 project CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories (PilotSTRATEGY) coordinated by the ENeRG member BRGM.
The last page includes an article about the Czech-Norwegian research project CO2-SPICER – preparation of a CO2 storage pilot in Czechia.
For more information please read the attached newsletter.