13 researchers from six ENeRG partners from Czech, Estonia, Italy, France, Romania and Scotland took part in the online 15th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-15) on 15-18 March 2021 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The ENeRG members made two oral and 12 poster presentations and chaired a session. Overall more than 20 ENeRG researchers from 9 ENeRG member institutions from 8 countries were involved as authors and co-authors in the GHGT-15 presentations and articles submitted to the conference proceedings.

The representative of Slovenia changed

Ada Vengust is a new representative of Geoinženiring (Slovenia) in the ENeRG network. You can read about her education and research interests in her short CV.

The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 42), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published

The first page article is devoted to the introduced by the European Commission European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives with the overarching aim of making Europe climate neutral in 2050.

On the second page, one can find three articles representing new ENeRG members.

The third page is about natural laboratories for the study of CO2 geological storage in Romania.

The last page includes an article funded by the UK Engineering and Physics Research Council project called HyStorPor (hydrogen storage in porous media).

For more information please read the attached newsletter.