The International master on CO2 Geological Storage – Final Defence
Thursday, 7th December – 10:00 a.m. Rome time
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The Final Defence ceremony of the International Master on CO2 Geological Storage will be held at 10:00 on the 7th of December (Rome time) in the Aula Lucchesi of the Earth Sciences Department of Sapienza University. The event will take place online and in person.
All researchers from the ENeRG network are invited to participate!
The International Master on CO2 Geological Storage is an Initiative of the ENOS project, organized by the University of Zagreb and Sapienza University of Rome, with the participation of GEUS (Denmark), Heriot Watt University (Scotland), Sotacarbo (Italy), TalTech University (Estonia), NORCE (Norway), ETH Zurich (Switzerland), and Evora University (Portugal).
The five candidates will present their work with a presentation of 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes for questions. At the end of the presentations the Commission, composed of Professors Bruno Saftic, Sabina Bigi and Maurizio Battaglia, will award the diplomas to the students.