EU innovation fund invests 1.8 billion into 17 selected clean tech projects from 9 countries

The EU is investing over €1.8 billion in 17 large-scale innovative clean-tech projects with the third round of awards under the Innovation Fund. Grants will be disbursed from the Innovation Fund to help bring breakthrough technologies to the market in energy-intensive industries, hydrogen, renewable energy, carbon capture and storage infrastructure, and manufacturing of key components for energy storage and renewables. The selected projects are located in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden.

Among the funded projects 4 for the cement industry, 3 for chemicals production, 3 for Hydrogen and 2 for refineries. Most of the projects will apply CCS and CO2 utilization technologies. For more information read in:

EU invests €1.8 billion in clean tech projects (

LSC2_List_of_pre-selected_projects_6.pdf (

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