Yuliia Demchuk is a new GEO ENeRGY Newsletter Editor. She succeeded Alexandra Dudu in this position.
Yuliia Demchuk is a is a Board member of the NGO Geothermal Ukraine.

Please read more about Yuliia in her attached CV.

New ENeRG president 2023-2024
Alexandra Dudu is the new ENeRG President from the 1st of April 2023.
At the online Steering Committee meeting on 2nd March 2023 representatives of the ENeRG members elected Dr Alexandra Dudu as a new ENeRG President for 2023-2024.
Dr. Alexandra Dudu has been the ENeRG newsletter editor from 2018-2022.
Dr. Alexandra Dudu is the Head of the CO2 Geological Storage Department in GeoEcoMar Romania.

She succeeded Dr. Alla Shogenova from TalTech, Estonia who has been the ENeRG President from 2022-2023.

Please read more about Alexandra in her attached CV

We are in a very sad position to announce the great loss of our former President and great friend and colleague, Dr. Vit Hladik.

Vit was a member of the ENeRG Steering Committee (2002-2023), in charge of the GEO ENeRGY newsletter (2004-2011), editor of the ENeRG website (2012-2017) and ENeRG President during the years 2018-2019.

He was a geo-energy research coordinator at Czech Geological Survey. His professional focus was research and project management in the field of CO2 geological storage, subsurface energy storage and other geo-energy technologies, including abundant experience with participation in international projects. 

He was the project coordinator of FP6 CO2NET EAST, TOGEOS and REPP-CO2. He was also a Management Board member of the European research projects CGS Europe (FP7) and ENOS (H2020). In 2018-2022 he was project manager of GeoConnect³d and other ongoing international projects (H2020 HyStories, CO2-SPICER) and Managing Committee Member of COST Action Geothermal-DHC. 

All ENeRG family is deeply mourning the unexpected loss of Vit Hladik and all would like to express their deepest condolences to his family, friends and co-workers.

Vit, you will be missed! Rest in Peace!

International Master CO2 Geological Storage – Deadline extended to 31st January 2023!

Learn about new technology and create professional liaisons with colleagues all over Europe! https://web.uniroma1.it/masterco2/en

Zagreb University together with the Sapienza University of Rome and the participation of the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh, Tallinn University of Technology and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS are offering a one-year Postgraduate specialist university course (60 ECTS) on CO2 Geological Storage with the support of CO2GeoNet, the Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2. The proposing institutes are also partners of ENeRG.

The goal of the course is to provide the participants with the scientific and technical knowledge that needs to be addressed for the successful storage of CO2 in geological formations. The students of the Master will be trained on all aspects of CO2 Geological Storage, and they will be introduced to the scientific and professional community working on CO2 Geological Storage in Europe and beyond.

The call for the Academic year 2022-2023 is now open, and the deadline for application has been extended to 31st  January 2023.

The Master provides a comprehensive preparation for young professionals interested to work in the field of CCS. It is composed of a period of lessons (February to July), fieldwork and a period of traineeship at one of CO2GeoNet research institutes.

The Master will present an overview of state-of-the-art CCS operations and research; it will focus on the technical and scientific considerations for CO2 injection and safety monitoring, the exploration of critical processes in laboratory studies, numerical modelling, and conclusively on sound and reliable storage capacity estimates, including the project economics, social aspects, and planning of mitigation measures in case regulatory requirements are not fully met.

The students will be able to understand the work of the different specialists involved in CCS projects (such as reservoir engineers/geologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers, geophysicists, structural geologists, geochemical modellers, regulators, etc.), learn from high-level specialists, and connecting with the most advanced research institutes in Europe.

Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) is a rapidly advancing field with many interdisciplinary scientific and technical challenges that are being addressed globally. This course is provided to prepare a new generation of young professionals who want to work on these topics.

More information at https://web.uniroma1.it/masterco2/en

In July 2022 at the conference in Lugano, Ukraine presented a powerful and comprehensive plan for recovery of the country. The implementation of this strategy is designed for 10 years and gained favorable assessments and support from international partners.

Ukraine’s Recovery is aimed to accelerate sustainable economic growth and to make a huge step from transitional to developing economy by 2032. The plan identifies a list of National programs https://recovery.gov.ua/en to achieve key results.

The recovery of Ukraine and the related mobilization of infrastructure funds is a unique chance for Europe as a whole as a continent actively develop energy efficiency measures, gradually abandon fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy sources (sun, wind, small hygropower, geothermal energy, biomass).

According to the Institute of Renewable Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the total capacity potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine reaches 874 GW, including about 250 GW of the capacity of offshore wind farms.

In terms of “fuel of the future”, by 2032 Ukraine can produce ~1.6-1.7 Mt of hydrogen, which will require up to 15 GW of electrolyzer capacity. The development of “green” hydrogen-based metallurgy and potentially the production of “green” hydrogen-based ammonia and fertilizers are promising options.

Detailed report on the recovery of Ukraine in the energy sector can be found at the link https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/621f88db25fbf24758792dd8/62dacafb804d22348c8d8c08__Energy%20Security.pdf

Ukraine’s Recovery Plan and other materials by thematic sections can be found at https://www.urc2022.com/urc2022-recovery-plan

Interesting Report:
HOW TO REBUILD A “GREEN” COUNTRY: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR UKRAINE’S RECOVERY https://dixigroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/eng-analitychna-zapyska-po-vidnovlennyu-15112022.pdf

The new issue of GEO ENeRGY (No. 46), the regular newsletter of the ENeRG, has been published

The first-page article is about a new EU COST Action CA21127 Techno-economic analysis of carbon mitigation technologies (TrANsMIT) officially launched on 7th October 2022.

On the second page, one can read two articles. The first article is about a new Horizon Europe project CCUS ZEN (Zero Emission Network to facilitate CCUS uptake in the industry), a Coordination & Support Action project coordinated by SINTEF (Norway) started in September 2022.

The second article is about GHGT-16, which took place between 23-27 October 2022 in the Palais des congrès de Lyon, France.

The third page is written by the coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project STRATEGY CCUS which elaborated plans for deploying CCUS in eight European regions.

The last page includes an article about a new call for the International Master on CO2 Geological Storage (deadline 16th January 2023), announced by Sapienza University of Rome (https://web.uniroma1.it/masterco2/home).

For more information please read the attached newsletter.

An International Master to connect you to European geology

The registration deadline for the International Master on CO2 Geological Storage is approaching (Deadline extended 31st January 2023) https://web.uniroma1.it/masterco2/home. The Master’s takes place between the Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Zagreb and offers the possibility of carrying out the second semester at one of the 27 European research institutes belonging to CO2GeoNet, the European Network on the Geological Storage of CO2. Prof. Alla Shogenova from Tallinn University of Technology answers some questions about the Master’s.

Why should you enroll in the Master on CO2 Geological Storage?

It is a rare opportunity to get an education and unique expertise in the field of CO2 Geological Storage, including basic knowledge of the full CCUS chain. After the course, you can either continue increasing your knowledge and expertise through Ph.D. positions on CO2 Storage in one of the famous universities or apply for the full position in one of the innovative CCUS projects under development in Europe.

What is special about the Master on CO2 geological storage?

During a relatively short time, you will study and get knowledge from about 30 professors and teachers, not only from one university (as in a usual course) but from a number of universities and research institutes, the best experts in CO2 Geological Storage in the world. You will be able to choose a place for your practice and Master thesis from a list of the countries and universities that are part of CO2GeoNet. During this course, you will be able to travel and study in at least two-three countries.   

What kind of plus does the Master on CO2 Geological storage bring to the students who will attend?

The students will study in an international environment (including locations, students, and teachers).

They will get unique knowledge and expertise, usually not available in standard university courses.

Their Master’s thesis will touch on one of the needed practical aspects of the CO2 geological storage technology.

They will be able to publish these results separately, or in cooperation with their supervisor.

They will have the opportunity to continue their studies in the research field or start working in the industry.

They will be able to make a real input and contribution to a carbon-neutral future.

New call for the Master on CO2 Geological Storage (Deadline extended to 31st January 2023)
A new call is open for a Master which opens your horizons both in terms of technology innovation and with regard to creating connections and new professional liaisons with colleagues all over Europe.
Sapienza University of Rome together with the University of Zagreb and the participation of the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh, Tallinn University of Technology and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland GEUS are offering a one-year Postgraduate specialist university course (60 ECTS) on CO2 Geological Storage with the support of CO2GeoNet, the Network of Excellence on the Geological Storage of CO2. The proposing institutes are also partners of ENeRG.
The students of the Master will be trained on all aspects of CO2 Geological Storage, and they will be introduced to the scientific and professional community working on CO2 Geological Storage in Europe and beyond.
The call for the Academic year 2022-2023 is now open, the deadline for application is on 16th January 2023.
The Master provides a comprehensive preparation for young professionals interested to work in the field of CCS. It is composed of a period of lessons (February to July), fieldwork and a period of traineeship at one of the CO2GeoNet research institutes.
The Master will present an overview of state-of-the-art CCS operations and research; it will focus on the technical and scientific considerations for CO2 injection and safety monitoring, the exploration of critical processes in laboratory studies, numerical modelling, and conclusively on sound and reliable storage capacity estimates, including the project economics, social aspects, and planning of mitigation measures in case regulatory requirements are not fully met.
The students will be able to understand the work of the different specialists involved in CCS projects, learn from high-level specialists, and connect with the most advanced research institutes in Europe.

Deadline extended 31st to January 2023

Further info

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) was held at Sharm EL Sheikh International Convention Center in Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022. COP27 is designed to contribute to the global fight against climate change and the achievement of the goals of the Paris Agreement.

More than 190 countries took part in COP27, including Ukraine. The conference program is packed with events and covers a wide range of issues, such as policies and actions for sustainable development, approaches to reducing CO2 emissions, climate change mitigation, community support, funding mechanisms, R&D, innovations and technologies.

Ukraine, which had previously participated in the event for many years, was represented by its own pavilion for the first time. The main task was to demonstrate the devastating effects of the war to the whole world and to gain support for the revival of the country, as well as tell the world about Ukraine’s commitment to climate goals and aspirations for development. Decarbonization, energy efficiency, digitization of administrative services, and resource and waste management became important topics from the point of view of work prospects in Ukraine.

During the UNDP UKRAINE PANEL DISCUSSION, GREEN AND RESILIENT RECOVERY FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT climate goals of Ukraine in the field of energy were presented  https://ucn.org.ua/?p=8915. Ukraine undertook to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65%. It is now recorded that CO2 emissions in Ukraine have increased by 23% compared to 2021. Ukraine has declared a transition to climate neutrality by 2060. It is planned to receive 25% of electricity from RES by 2030 – “green recovery”. In general, during the hostilities, the country lost about 90% of the wind power located in the occupied territory, and about 30% of the solar power. There were calls for energy transition for Ukraine: to ensure appropriate legislative regulation and a favorable investment climate for the creation of new truly peaceful energy capacities – based on renewable energy.

For more information, please read: Ukraine-COP27.doc